"The Young Performer" by Al Alexander, oil on Canvas. 25.5 x 33 inches  Image
Bring home this stunning, heartwarming painting that beautifully captures the essence of Central American culture! Created by Al Alexander, a celebrated East Coast artist who has made Costa Rica his home, this piece is a true testament to his artistic mastery. Generously donated for this auction, it’s an extraordinary opportunity to own a work of art that reflects the vibrancy and spirit of the region.

Read his biography here


Lleva a casa esta impresionante y conmovedora pintura que captura a la perfección la esencia de la cultura centroamericana. Creada por Al Alexander, un renombrado artista de la costa este de EE. UU. que ha hecho de Costa Rica su hogar, esta obra es un verdadero testimonio de su maestría artística. Donada generosamente para esta subasta, es una oportunidad única para adquirir una obra que refleja la vitalidad y el espíritu de la región.

Leer su biografía aquí.

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"The Young Performer" by Al Alexander, oil on Canvas. 25.5 x 33 inches

Item #9

$500 - 0 bids

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